How To Become Front End Developer In Easy Way

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Technology assumes a huge job in our everyday lives, from the simplest of applications to the most ground-breaking developments. Each site or piece of programming that we experience has been worked by a web engineer -yet what precisely is web development, and what do
web designer do?

Responsive Web Design is utilized in a wide range of present-day web development.

Let’s get some foundation first, however —we have to figure out how to walk before we can run. How to become a web developer from scratch is always a question for a lot of students who don’t have more knowledge about coding.

Essential steps you'll have to take toward turning into a web developer: 

  • Make sense of The Skills You'll Need 

  • Assemble Experience (While Learning) Through Test Web Development Projects 

  • Locate the Ideal Web Developer Jobs for Your Goal

It's essential to note there are two classes of web developer jobs:

  •  Front-end developer

  •  Back-end developer

In this article, we are going to talk about front end developers.

HTML and CSS are really not in fact programming languages; they're simply page structure and style data.

However, before proceeding onward to JavaScript and other genuine languages, you have to know the basics of HTML and CSS, as they are toward the front of each website page and application.

An overview:

HTML gives the fundamental structure of sites, which is improved and altered by different innovations like CSS and JavaScript.

CSS is utilized to control presentation, design, and format.

JavaScript is utilized to control the behavior of various components.

HTML(HyperText Markup Language):-

HTML is the Skeleton of a website It contains the data that mentions to the program what is on the page regarding text, links, where to discover images. It also gives priorities to text, is it a header? Is it a paragraph? Is it a subheading?


Using HTML, you create a user interface for web applications and mobile applications.HTML allows image, video, and other files to be linked which is used to create interactive web pages.
Once you master it, you can create simple websites and complex web applications.

HTML includes:-

  • Page formatting
  • Tag and document structure
  • Displaying images
  • Using nav, article, and div elements
  • Hyperlinks
  • Linking to pages and downloadable content
  • Creating lists
  • HTML color codes
  • Controlling styling (fonts, colors, and more)

HTML5 Tags play a vital role in HTML. Below is one example of how heading tags work in HTML. Let's see

As we go from H1 to H6, heading size decreases as follows:

  Isn't interesting?

CSS(Cascading  Style Sheets):-

This programming language directs how the HTML components of a website ought to show up on the frontend of the page.


HTML gives the row tools expected to structure content on a site. CSS, then again, assists with styling this substance so it appears to the user how it was expected to be seen. These languages are kept separate to guarantee sites are built effectively before they're reformatted.

Let’s take look on CSS syntax: 

A CSS rule comprises a selector and a declaration block:

The selector focuses on the HTML component to style (h1).

Every declaration incorporates a CSS property name and a value, isolated by a colon.

Now, let’s take an example of how CSS works:

My program's default font style is Calibri, size 10, so on the off chance that I visited a site page where the designer didn't apply my template, I would see the site page in Calibri, size 10. 

The vast majority of web pages I visit don't use Calibri, size 10 -that's because the web designers behind those pages started with a default style sheet that had a default font style, and afterward, they overrode my program's defaults with custom CSS. That is the place "cascading" becomes possibly the most important factor. 


JavaScript is an object scripting language that is used in web pages along with HTML.

 JavaScript is very popular and used universally by all web browsers for its support which allows dynamic content to get executed on a web page. 

JavaScript can calculate, control, and validate data. 

What is JavaScript utilized for?

JavaScript is a logic-based programming language that can be utilized to modify site content and cause it to carry on in various manners in the response to a user's activities.

Regular uses of JavaScript incorporate confirmation boxes, invitations to take action, and adding new identities to existing data.

In short, the vast majority of the dynamic conduct you'll see on a website page is because of JavaScript, which expands a browser's default controls and practices.

HOW JavaScript WORKS?

Most importantly JavaScript is limitlessly simpler than Java.

One case of JavaScript in real life is taking care of the boxes that pop up on your screen. Consider the last time you entered your data into an online form and a confirmation box popped, requesting that you press "OK" or "Cancel" to continue. That was made conceivable as a result of JavaScript.

In the code, you'd discover an "if ... else ..." statements that advise the PC to do a certain thing if the user clicks "OK," and an alternate thing if the client clicks "Cancel."

You can add JavaScript to an HTML report by including these "scripts," or scraps of JavaScript code, into your document's body.

WHY JavaScript?


Today, there are millions of websites using JavaScript. As a customer-side programming language, JavaScript causes web developers to make web pages dynamic and intelligent by executing custom customer-side scripts. 


These are some companies using JavaScript language.

Practically every company you can think of uses JavaScript. Why?

  • The web is all-unavoidable in our world.

  • The web browser (or a web browser part) is the main tool accessible for utilizing the web.

  • JavaScript is the only language that is native to the web browser, so if you’re going to write a web browser application, you have to use JavaScript.

Go and explore front end development by following courses:

1)Foundation of web development by udemy

2)HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers by class central

3)Introduction to HTML5 by freecodecamp 

4)Web development Bootcamp by udemy

5)Learn HTML5 and CSS3 From Scratch— Full Course by freeCodeCamp


Lots of students have questions that, is HTML, CSS, and JavaScript sufficient to get a job?

Indeed surely yes… there is no uncertainty in it. 

As a fresher on the off chance that you need to begin your profession in Web Development, these are the technologies you would need to begin with. 

JavaScript developer is in demand. 

Given their analysis of more than 100,000 coding tests, they found that 70% of organizations are hoping to hire JavaScript engineers. 

A report by HackerRank, then, found that the worldwide interest for JavaScript exceeds the expertise available.

When you've developed a strong web developer range of abilities, it's an ideal opportunity to consider what sort of work you need to do—do you need a standard activity as a developer for a built-up organization, or would you say you are more qualified to begin a freelancing business and working for yourself?

1) Freelance work: 

In freelancing, the web development niche is leading. 

You can start working in this COVID 19 crisis period on various trusted freelancing sites. Just put one thing in mind "provide high-value work" to be on top and you will see growth in your freelancing profile. You can start with the following platforms:

1.     FIVERR  

2) 9-5 web developer job:

Beginning at a built-up organization is a good method to learn best practices at an early stage.

3) Web developer job resources:

In either case, when you begin looking for paid work as a web designer you'll have to stick your eyes to online job boards. Resources like

1. Glassdoor

2. Indeed


Destinations like and Women Who Code are important resources with regards to network opportunities and making up close and personal occupation associations at gatherings, job fairs, and workshops. Use them!


If you want to do business, if you are interested in freelancing or have a career in the Web Development industry, particularly as a designer. 

Web Development has a couple of angles however, coding or other specialized, yet in addition the project management, examination, testing, business and so on. 

The main fact is you can have lots of opportunities for gaining money as I have mentioned in the article.

So, don't you think learning about web development is good for your career?


  1. It motivated me more than before.

  2. Nice explanation of basics.👌👌

  3. Good stuff , explained very well.

  4. Got a clear idea regarding web development through this blog.
    Great work

  5. I thought this was an article I could read under 3 minutes. I spent more time because I became interested in the technical details. All bloggers need to have an idea of HTML, CSS, Javascript.

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  7. Coding is important for web Development ?

  8. Wow, becoming a web developer is really easy. Thanks for this blog.



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