Why is HTML5 so popular nowadays?


Even if your goal is not to become a web developer or web designer and do it professionally, still learn HTML and CSS because it’s an amazing skill to have, especially in today’s day and age.

HTML is an invaluable skill. 

HTML is the bedrock of the World Wide Web and if you are going to do anything even in other languages involving the web it is highly important you know HTML.

Web development broadly refers to the task related to your web applications or web pages. It basically adds up life to your ordinary web page. And HTML is the first and basic step towards your web development career.

HTML full form HyperText Markup Language. It’s basically just a language that we can use to create web pages. So, if you have ever been on the internet almost every single page on the internet was written in this language called HTML. 

HTML adds meaning to raw content by marking it up.

HTML describes the structure of web pages using a process called markup.HTML mostly consists of elements and these elements are the building blocks of any HTML page and are represented by HTML tags.


The person named ‘Tim Berners-Lee’ invented HTML in 1991 who was not a Technical person but a physicist in Switzerland.

“HTML was created for the purpose of giving structure to documents like paragraphs, headings and those were used for sharing scientific and technical documents.” 
Researchers from across the world were able to share their ideas after HTML creation.


  • HTML 2.0 was the first definitive version of the HTML in 1995. This version covered most of the elements except elements like tables, align attributes, etc.
  • HTML 3.0 was also invented in late 1995 which upgraded the utilities and functions of HTML.
  • HTML 3.2 was the version that had integrated support for images, tables, most of the align attributes invented in 1996.
  • HTML 4.0 included stylesheets in it.
  • Html 5 was released by W3C in 2014 and it is in use nowadays.

Why html is important :

1) For Students or working professionals to become a Software Engineer:

HTML is a document that contains text, so similar to a Microsoft word or even notepad. It is very easy to read. Web browsers read and display documents that contain HTML. There are lots of advantages to having knowledge of HTML. Students or working professionals must have knowledge of HTML for building their career in web development or any field of Information Technology. 

Just having an understanding of tags is a basic requirement of HTML. Some advantages of knowing HTML

Building website or web pages: Creating websites or web pages is so easy if you learn HTML. That means if you want to know more about Front end developer skills then HTML is a must.

Learn computer languages:  If you have knowledge about HTML then learning technologies related to HTML like CSS, JavaScript, PHP, etc becomes easier. 

Web development jobs: There are lots of job opportunities in web development and the first requirement for becoming a web developer is HTML. 

Web designer: If you are willing to become a web designer then HTML is a must.

2) For bloggers:

This question gets brought up a lot because many people wonder well why is HTML needed if there are things like WIX, WordPress and blogger or another place is where I can just go up and I can make a blog and I can just build something really quickly and it does all of the codings for the most part for me, what is the importance of learning HTML when there is no need for. But if you dig deeper into it you actually could find out there is more use for that then what meets the eye.

It gives you insight on what to do when you have a problem with your site instead we are just blaming it on WordPress or site builder you could actually fix it because  you have that basic knowledge

It will give you the opportunity to tweak things when you are in your web browser. You can just go into the HTML and if there is an advertisement or something and that’s annoying you, you can just get rid of it.

3)For Marketing Specialists:

In a wide range, HTML is required for marketing specialists to optimize their web pages and landing pages.

4)For Freelancers:

In this growing digital era, web development is taking a peak rapidly. As in freelancing, web development service is highly in demand. So, to make yourself capable of being the best freelancer you must start with the HTML. 

You can define the series of HTML tags which will define the layout and the look and the feel of your website. So, if you can learn what those HTML tags are and if you can learn where to put them and how to use them together, then you can build your own website. It’s actually a lot easier than people think to build a custom website. I mean so often people will run off to use as a content management system or they use programs to build websites for them. But sometimes it’s fun to just go in and get your hands dirty and start building a website from scratch.

Don’t think more and start to learn HTML. You will surely become super interested after seeing each element in the way it works. 


As mentioned before the importance of HTML in every aspect. following are some of the applications of HTML:

      We can download the HTML page without the internet if it is loaded already.

      These days, HTML is used in the game development sector.

       Using HTML tags, navigation through one web page to another page becomes simpler.

        Almost every web page is made up of HTML.


  • HTML can be learned easily 
  • It is supported by all browsers.
  • It’s syntax is very simple.
  • It is supported by most of the web development tools.
  • It is free to use.


Very first thing in writing HTML is picking some programs that you can use to write HTML files and there are a bunch of different options when you are trying to choose an HTML text editor. If you are thinking you need some software for that, then you are wrong.

You can use notepad as a HTML editor if you have Windows and a text editor for HTML mac users is TextEdit. These are just bare-bones

If you want a specially designed type of text editor then it’s totally fine. You can use open-source HTML editor like Visual Studio, Dreamweaver,bluegriffon.

The advantage of specially designed types of editors is they have some add-ons or some shortcuts. But they might be complicated for beginners.
I think for beginners less complicated things are better. So you may want to err more on the side of doing something simple and then once you learn HTML move up to one of the specially designed text editors.


If you are thinking, How I learn HTML or how I learn to code after knowing all this information about HTML. In the next blog, we are going to explain HTML in detail. Basically a full tutorial on HTML. 

HTML tutorial or HTML5 tutorial covers all the concepts including basic and advanced. This HTML Tutorial is specially created for people who are absolute beginners or professionals (Web Designers or web developers) who want to leverage their skills.

Each topic is explained step by step which makes it easier to learn the topic.
In this tutorial, every point is explained with at least one example.

So, Are you interested in learning  HTML?


  1. Very good. Keep making post like this.

  2. I'm a professional web developer. Still I found this article worth reading!

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