Why is HTML5 so popular nowadays?

INTRODUCTION TO HTML: Even if your goal is not to become a web developer or web designer and do it professionally, still learn HTML and CSS because it’s an amazing skill to have, especially in today’s day and age. HTML is an invaluable skill. HTML is the bedrock of the World Wide Web and if you are going to do anything even in other languages involving the web it is highly important you know HTML. Web development broadly refers to the task related to your web applications or web pages. It basically adds up life to your ordinary web page. And HTML is the first and basic step towards your web development career. HTML full form HyperText Markup Language. It’s basically just a language that we can use to create web pages. So, if you have ever been on the internet almost every single page on the internet was written in this language called HTML. HTML adds meaning to raw content by marking it up. HTML describes the structure of web pages using a process called markup.HTML mostly ...