
Showing posts with the label HTML Tutorial

Basics Of HTML5 Tags And HTML5 Attributes

HTML5 Tags:  As I mentioned in an earlier basic  html5 tutorial blog, HTML uses various tags as it is a markup language. In this blog, I am going to explain to you HTML Tags basic. These tags are closed into angled brackets. E.g. <Tag Name> . Types of tags : Opening tag  Closing tag For example :                         <p>                      opening tag                        Content                         </p>                     closing tag HTML5 Elements:   Lots of students are always confused about what is the difference between HTML5 Tags and HTML elements.  HTML elements have an opening tag than some content and then a closing tag. That is everything from opening tag to closing tag.           <tag name> content …..</tag name>  For example:     <p> content….  </p>      <b> content….. < /b> 1.Empty Elements :  Empty HTML5 elements are those who do not have content in them. Also, they don’t have an end tag.        Example :