
Showing posts with the label HTML Tutorial

Improve Your HTML5 Formatting And HTML5 Image tag

  HTML5 Tags for line break,spacing,comments 1.Tags For line break :  For line break in HTML , the <br> tag is used.  As this is an empty tag it does not need a closing tag. If you want a break of three lines then three times break tag should be used.   It is used for writing addresses or poems. It is used for adding breaks in line not for adding spaces in the paragraph. This tag supports Global Attributes and Event Attributes in HTML. SYNTAX: <br>Learning Web development <br> is easy <br> with techfreaktalks. PROGRAM: < !DOCTYPE HTML > < HTML > < body > < h1 > The br element < /h1 > < p >< br > Learning Web development < br > is easy < br > with techfreaktalks  < /p > < /HTML > < /body > OUTPUT: 2.For additional spacing (HTML for space) : Additional spaces in HTML cannot be added by clicking the space-bar multiple times. HTML spacing code is“ &nbsp;”.  nbsp stands for n