
Showing posts with the label HTML Tutorial

Important Things To Learn About HTML Table, HTML Styles And HTML Quotation Marks

HTML STYLES: HTML style is used to give a style to an element. Styles like font size, size, color, etc. HTML Style is not a tag, it is an attribute. Syntax:  < tagname style= “ property:Value ;”> Property and Value is a part of CSS. So, we will discuss it in the CSS blog. Some important HTML style CSS properties : 1.HTML style: Font -family :  This property is used for specifying HTML which font to be used. 2.HTML style : Text size :  Defines the text size of the HTML element. 3.HTML style : Text alignment :  Used for giving horizontal text alignment to HTML elements. 4.HTML style: Background-color :  Used for giving background-color of HTML elements. 5.HTML style: Text color :   Used for giving text color of HTML elements.  Program: < !DOCTYPE HTML > < HTML > < body style= "background-color:lightgray;" > < h1 > This is a heading < /h1 > < p > This is a paragraph. < /p > < /body > < /html &